Re: [linux-security] Things NOT to put in root's crontab

Jon Lewis (
Wed, 22 May 1996 14:52:09 -0400

On Wed, 22 May 1996, Dan Cross wrote:

> I was under the impression that find(1) didn't follow symbolic links?
> Thus, one wouldn't ``find'' /etc/passwd if there was a link to /etc
> from somewhere in /tmp.
> Please don't tell me that Linux (or, more precisely, GNU) broke this.  :-)

I just did some quick tests on one of my linux boxes, using GNU find
version 4.1...and the default is to not follow symlinks unless you tell
it to with -follow.

 Jon Lewis                      |  Mime attachments are OK      |  But please ask before sending      |  unsolicited huge files.
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